How to get permanent residency in Japan

Hey guys, and welcome to this article today. We're talking about a kind of requested topic. We will give you is all about the Japanese permanent residency. And it's kind of complicated on the longer term. So I'm gonna try to make this article like nice and compact for you. So you get an overall idea and make your educated decision. So why would you want a permanent residency if you already have a working Visa on your living in Japan. There are benefits. The first one is like you have no restrictions in whatever field you want to work and amount of hours you want to put into that work. So for example spouse visas is different than a part-time students. They have like work restrictions. The second reason I think is one of the most popular one and these are reason to go for the permanent dressing and see if the fact that if you need a loan from bank, or you need a significant amount of money to buy a house or whatever start business. Japanese Banks, they want to loan money to anyone that is not a Japanese citizen or Japanese resident. Permanent residency will make it in your favour. The permanent residency is permanent so you don't have to renew it every one, three or five years so you have decided that you want the permanent residence. What do you do? There's a few months three points that you absolutely have to have its go through them first is no criminal record whatsoever. S is financial stability, of course, they often is government wants you to be able to take care of yourself. Third is taxes paid up to date perfect success for is kind of

but symbolic thing right now, but you still need is you need a warrant herbs to sign his name for you in your papers. So it has to be either Japanese residents or Foreigner with a permanent residency and there's like no legal bones there if you'll make some trouble they won't get in any trouble or anything, but you still need someone that will sign your papers for you as your wand or so you have these four things. No, you have to fit in one of these. These criteria are you have been living in 10 years in Japan's or either you have a refugee status? Of course if you're married to a Japanese person or a my investment you can qualify for permanent residency. As long as you happy lauded for these three years and the year before applying you have been living in Japan children of permanent residents or Japanese people. They they had been living in Japan for the last year before applying they qualify for permanent.

and see there's also a special criteria that you may fit in. So if you have a living in Japan for the last five years and the government says that you have been contributing remarkably to Japanese economy culture diplomacy or Society. You may qualify it for permanent residency. Let's say that you're feeding any of these criteria like us, what do you do? I am. Sorry to tell you but you have to go through that. Point system there are two ways of qualifying for Permian Basin see by the point system. You have been either living in Japan for the last three years and maintaining 70 points during that time or you believe in Japan for the last year and you have montaigne 80 points during those twelve months so points. How do you get them? There's like a whole table of contents in which

You can see all the ways you can make all these points. I'm going to go through a few of them with you so you can actually get a taste and an idea of what grunts you points for the point system. For example, your academic background. Let's say you have a special recipe you will get 10 points if you have a master's degree, you will get 20 points and if you have a PhD, you will get 30 points also your years of work experience of course are important you will get more points memo. Our experience you have there's kind of a curious way of earning points in which your age and salary are related. So you're very young and you're making a lot of money you will get a lot of points, but if you're not so young and you're not making so much money you won't get as many points also H in general is important here if you are young when you're applying for the pr you will get more points just for being Chun vs. Applying like later in life having a degree from a job.

Scarlett is also helpful. It will run these two points and if you thought your Japanese knowledge will grant you a lot of points. You may have to speak again because only levels N1 and N2 and points here and they don't give you so many points. They only give you a 15 points for anyone and 10.4 and to on those are the highest Japanese level so I don't think they're being very generous here like Japanese is a very complicated language. So you think you have a maintaining low you're 80 points for the last year or 70 points for the last three years and you want to go through this process. So what do you do first? You have to download and feel a lot of papers and documents and not everything ready. And also Japanese really so if you're going by adding the point system and you're presenting for example, your college degree and things like that. They have to be translated to Japanese and you have to do it yourself because they won't do it for you. So now you have your

field documents and your photo in there and your warrant or and you have only mandatory things in order. What do you do you take your papers and your hopes and dreams and you go to immigration office. So for the permanent residency as far as I know you can only go to the sheet as a lot of this in Tokyo, which is probably the busiest one in the whole city and what you do there is like you a lot your weight a lot when you finally submit your papers and they say, okay, they are submitted that Doesn't mean you will get the pr. It just means you're in the game. So you have to wait at least five months. Probably six seven or eight months for them to actually give you good or bad news if your application was successful, they will send you a postcard and congratulations. You're now permanent resident if your application was not successful, they will send you a letter in which they will tell you why you were rejected or whichever paper you were missing or

I don't know why I hope I don't receive that letter and that's all that there is to it. I hope this video was helpful or entertaining in some way for you. I know we had we went through a lot of things in a very short amount of time. So if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments and if you are not subscribed to my Channel, please do so and would love to see you for the next video and I promise I will get better and better at this I am trying so I hope you enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching and I will talk to you very soon.

The other room through come see you.


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